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About the Solway Buzz

About the Solway Buzz

The Solway Buzz was started when the Silloth Regeneration Partnership received a request to resurrect the old Silloth Newsletter, which had not been produced for quite a few years.  It was pointed out that there was no easy method for either residents or organisations to communicate what was happening in the area.

The Silloth Regeneration Partnership recognised that having a local newsletter would help every aspect of the community, however, as we were at that time coping with the effects of the Foot and Mouth epidemic, this need applied to the outlying communities around Silloth as well.

One positive aspect of the Foot and Mouth disaster was the availability of grants to fund projects which would help communities like ours.  It was therefore decided by the Silloth Regeneration Partnership to start-up a newsletter which would be freely available around the area within a few miles of Silloth.

Grants were applied for and the first edition, called the Silloth-on-Solway News, came out for August 2001.  One of our first questions we asked the community was to suggest names for the new paper and we eventually settled on the "Solway Buzz".

The start-up costs were provided by various grants and generous support by Joe Cowell of the Wigton Observer.  Ongoing running costs are covered by advertising from local businesses, most of which have generously paid for twelve months advertising in advance to help ensure the long term viability of the paper.

The Solway Buzz was run as part of the Silloth Regeneration Partnership, although from the very start the paper was put together by Peter McRobert, who also sold the advertising and was the Treasurer. Eventually the Partnership passed the paper over to Peter who will continue to produce it as a community paper so long as the community at large continues to support it as before.

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